Which Is Most Atherogenic, High-Fat Cheese, High-Fat Meat or Carbs?

Atherosclerosis is the most common underlying cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD. It is caused by a complex interplay between lipoproteins, white blood cells, the immune system and the normal elements of the arterial wall. Atherosclerosis can affect all arteries in the body but seems to have a strong affinity for the coronary arteries. The resulting … Read more

Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter – AFib Explained

Arrhythmia is a term that is used to describe disorders of heart rhythm. It may be an irregular rhythm, or rapid or slow beating of the heart. Although most arrhythmias are completely innocent, some may need medical attention, and a few are life-threatening. The term palpitations describes an awareness of heart muscle contractions in the … Read more

Statins for Women – Statistical Acrobatics

When to prescribe statin therapy for people without established cardiovascular disease is a hotly debated issue among medical doctors. Recent clinical guidelines have recommended extending the use of these drugs to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. Recommendations on statin use are to a large extent based on meta-analyses on data from randomized controlled trials, either comparing statins to placebo … Read more

Eggs, Heart Disease and Diabetes – Dreams of an Omelette

It was early Sunday morning. Mr. Mason watched his wife across the kitchen table. She appeared deeply engaged in the daily crossword puzzle. He swallowed his three diabetes pills with a large sip of orange juice. There was a momentary sparkle of light, a glint of sunshine through the clouds. He would give it another try. “I’m told that a highly prestigious … Read more

Health Benefits of Jogging

Since the 1970’s jogging has become an increasingly popular form of exercise. Jogging means running at a gentle pace. Going at a pace of less than 6 miles per hour (10 km per hour) is usually defined as jogging, while running is defined as anything faster than 6 miles per hour. There are many reasons why … Read more