The Difference Between LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C) and LDL Particle Number(LDL-P)

The role of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in the evolution of heart disease is fairly well established. In addition, the benefits of pharmacological treatment with agents that lower LDL-C in high-risk patients are well documented. Lipoproteins are biochemical structures that enable the transport of lipids such as cholesterol in the circulation. LDL-C represents the amount … Read more

The Role of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in Atherosclerosis and Heart Disease

The death rate from coronary artery disease (CAD) has declined considerably over the last three decades. This is mainly due to better control of risk factors and advances in therapy. However, the prevalence of CAD remains high due to the aging of the population and better survival of those affected. The current epidemic of obesity … Read more

From Low-Fat, High-Carb to Insulin Resistance, Fatty Liver, and Heart Disease

I recently gave a talk at a meeting with colleagues, most of them cardiologists and endocrinologists, where I, among other things, discussed the current status of diet-heart hypothesis and the possible relationship between our fear of dietary fats and the obesity epidemic. After the meeting, a senior colleague of mine, an old friend, and a … Read more

Fructose Restriction – An Effective Lipid Intervention?

The association between lipid disorders and heart disease is well known. Medical checkups usually involve measurements of cholesterol and other lipid parameters, and most doctors advise their patients on how to improve their lipid pattern. Dietary interventions to lower the risk of heart disease commonly aim at reducing blood levels of cholesterol, LDL cholesterol in particular. This is … Read more

What About Saturated Fats if You Already Have Heart Disease?

We’re all aware of the aggressive campaign driven by public health authorities and medical professionals to decrease blood cholesterol. It all started more than fifty years ago when the Framingham Heart Study reported that high blood cholesterol was a major risk factor for coronary heart disease (1).     Central to the dogma was the belief that lowering blood cholesterol would … Read more