From Low-Fat, High-Carb to Insulin Resistance, Fatty Liver, and Heart Disease

I recently gave a talk at a meeting with colleagues, most of them cardiologists and endocrinologists, where I, among other things, discussed the current status of diet-heart hypothesis and the possible relationship between our fear of dietary fats and the obesity epidemic. After the meeting, a senior colleague of mine, an old friend, and a … Read more

Uric Acid, Hyperuricemia, and Gout

More than eight million people in the U.S., almost 4% of the population, are estimated to suffer from gout. The disease often causes severe pain and physical disability. Gout is associated with increased blood levels of uric acid, called hyperuricemia. Uric acid is a biochemical substance the body has to deal with through our lifetime. It is an end … Read more

Adiposity, Adipokines, and Adiposopathy – Sick Fat Explained

By now, all of us should know that we are in the throes of an obesity epidemic. Worldwide, over 500 million people are believed to be affected (1). Obesity in children and adolescents is on the rise and so is type 2 diabetes. And, according to the media and the experts, this will have horrible consequences that ultimately will … Read more

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) – Impotence Explained

Erectile dysfunction often referred to as impotence, is a common disorder that frequently coexists with cardiovascular disease. It is defined as the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It is estimated that erectile dysfunction affects >30% of men between 40 and 70 years of age (1). Cardiovascular disease is a term that … Read more

Fructose – The Role of Fructose in Metabolic Syndrome and Heart Disease

“Mark already ignores me. I think it is because I am in bed and I am a ‘stationary’ object, because once or twice at home when he saw me up and on the way to the toilet he evinced great interest at once. I am absolutely determined to check myself in any tendency to be … Read more