LDL-Cholesterol – The “Bad” Cholesterol Explained

There are several reasons why we should be interested in the amount of cholesterol circulating in our bloodstream. However, to interpret our cholesterol numbers, we have to know certain things about cholesterol and its role in health and disease. What Is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is classified as a sterol (a combination of steroid and alcohol) and … Read more

12 Steps to Diagnose High Blood Pressure – Understanding Hypertension

High blood pressure (BP), also called hypertension, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. It is one of the most important causes of premature death worldwide. In 2025, an estimated 1.56 billion adults will be living with hypertension (1). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hypertension kills nearly 8 million people every … Read more

Exploring the “Lore of Nutrition”

For the last few days, my Kindle has been my closest companion. “What are you reading”? my wife asked. “I’m reading Lore of Nutrition.” “Ooh, I was sure it was a thriller or one of your crime stories.” In fact, she was right. Although Lore of Nutrition is a book about nutrition, it reads like … Read more

The Fate of the PURE Study – Fat and Carbohydrate Intake Revisited

Most experts agree that diet is an important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and many other chronic noncommunicable disorders. Hence, defining and implementing a healthy diet is a matter of great public health interest. However, although there is substantial agreement on many issues, such as the importance of fruits and vegetables, several matters are still … Read more

Muscular Strength and Longevity – The Role of Strength Training

In 1953, British researchers discovered that drivers of London’s double-decker buses were more likely to suffer a deadly heart attack than the more physically active conductors (1). Another study published five years later found that the risk of heart attack was higher among government clerks than postmen (2). These studies laid the foundation for the hypothesis … Read more