Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and Risk of Heart Disease

Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is a protein that plays an important role in the development of heart disease. Elevated blood levels of ApoB indicate an increased risk. Actually, ApoB may be a stronger predictor of risk than commonly used lipid markers such as LDL-cholesterol (1). ApoB is an important component of lipoproteins that participate in the … Read more

How to Prevent Age-Related Loss of Muscle Mass (Sarcopenia)

Loss of muscle mass, also called sarcopenia, is often considered a normal part of aging. Just like bone density decreases with age, loss of muscle mass and strength also occurs. Loss of skeletal muscle mass may start as early as in our thirties and appears to continue for the rest of our lives. Evidence suggests … Read more

The Role of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in Atherosclerosis and Heart Disease

The death rate from coronary artery disease (CAD) has declined considerably over the last three decades. This is mainly due to better control of risk factors and advances in therapy. However, the prevalence of CAD remains high due to the aging of the population and better survival of those affected. The current epidemic of obesity … Read more

Heart Palpitations – Irregular Heartbeat Explained

Have you ever experienced or sensed your heartbeat? Although such a sensation is usually completely normal, it may be unpleasant. For instance, people often describe hard beats, fast beats, irregular beats, skipped beats, fluttering, “flip-flopping” or a pounding sensation in the chest or neck. The term palpitations is used to describe an unpleasant awareness of the … Read more

17 Important Causes of Chest Pain

Chest pain is a common symptom associated with a variety of underlying causes. More than six million people visit hospital emergency departments in the United States each year because of chest pain (1). The cause of chest pain may vary from life-threatening conditions to those that are relatively harmless. Chest pain is most commonly caused by … Read more