Intermittent Fasting and Health – What’s the Scientific Evidence?

Our human ancestors had different food habits than we do. They did not routinely eat two to three regularly spaced, large meals every day. Indeed, food was often scarce, and there may have been long periods between meals. Furthermore, through the ages, fasting has been practiced in many communities for cultural and religious purposes. As … Read more

The Health Benefits and Risks of Physical Activity, Exercise, and Fitness

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”                                                                    … Read more

Why and How To Lower Triglycerides in People at Risk of Heart Disease

Triglycerides are important organic compounds. Most of the fat we consume in our diet is triglyceride and so is most of the fat we store in our body. Fatty acids contained in triglycerides are an essential source of energy for human cells. Triglyceride concentration can be measured in blood and may provide valuable information about … Read more

Exploring the “Lore of Nutrition”

For the last few days, my Kindle has been my closest companion. “What are you reading”? my wife asked. “I’m reading Lore of Nutrition.” “Ooh, I was sure it was a thriller or one of your crime stories.” In fact, she was right. Although Lore of Nutrition is a book about nutrition, it reads like … Read more

Muscular Strength and Longevity – The Role of Strength Training

In 1953, British researchers discovered that drivers of London’s double-decker buses were more likely to suffer a deadly heart attack than the more physically active conductors (1). Another study published five years later found that the risk of heart attack was higher among government clerks than postmen (2). These studies laid the foundation for the hypothesis … Read more