Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is an important factor when assessing the risk for developing heart disease. LDL -particles, in particular those who are small and dense, are atherogenic and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). There is a strong and graded correlation between LDL-C and the risk of CVD, both in women and men, although this has been debated by some investigators. The evidence that reducing plasma LDL cholesterol reduces CVD risk is unequivocal. According to the European Society of Cardiology, the results of epidemiological studies as well as trials with angiographic or clinical endpoints confirm that the reduction of LDL cholesterol must be
Statins – Friend or Foe?
Last year I wrote a couple of articles about statin therapy, so maybe you think I should give it a rest. However, I think it is such a hugely important issue, and I have this strong feeling that the truth really has not emerged yet. Firstly, two recent scientific papers touching on the effects of … Read more