Should I Take a Cholesterol Lowering Drug?

“Doctor, should I take a cholesterol lowering drug?” Although it sounds simple, it is one of the most difficult questions I face in my office.  “What are the risks?” “What are the side effects?” Will I have to take it for the rest of my life? Patients are often anxious to know the right answers. … Read more

The Case Against Saturated Fat

Common knowledge is something we all regard as plain truth and does not need to be debated or discussed. Go for a walk on a rainy day and you’ll get wet. Staying for too long in the sun will make your skin burn.  Drinking coffee before you go to sleep may keep you awake. Smoking may … Read more

What Is the Real Cause of Heart Disease?

Now we know what is the real cause of heart disease according to a heart surgeon who recently wrote an article on the internet about this extremely important and delicate subject. The author, Doctor Dwight Lundell is an experienced heart surgeon who claims he has gained an understanding of the underlying cause of atherosclerosis and … Read more