Exploring the “Lore of Nutrition”

For the last few days, my Kindle has been my closest companion. “What are you reading”? my wife asked. “I’m reading Lore of Nutrition.” “Ooh, I was sure it was a thriller or one of your crime stories.” In fact, she was right. Although Lore of Nutrition is a book about nutrition, it reads like … Read more

Fructose Restriction – An Effective Lipid Intervention?

The association between lipid disorders and heart disease is well known. Medical checkups usually involve measurements of cholesterol and other lipid parameters, and most doctors advise their patients on how to improve their lipid pattern. Dietary interventions to lower the risk of heart disease commonly aim at reducing blood levels of cholesterol, LDL cholesterol in particular. This is … Read more

Added Sugar – Why and How to Avoid It

When it comes to the science of nutrition, everyone seems to have an opinion. Consequently, there is huge disagreement, even among the experts. If we ask for advice, there are likely to be dozen different answers. So, in the era of information overflow, the general population, has become severely confused. Apart from having to choose … Read more

Sugar In and Sugar Out: The Modern Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

A few days ago the results of a potentially game-changing trial on the treatment of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial) were presented at an international diabetes conference in Stockholm, Sweden and simultaneously published in the New England Journal of Medicine (1). For the first time, a study has found that a drug that … Read more

Does Sugar Cause Heart Disease?

Growing up and living with the diet-heart hypothesis through my professional career has been a remarkable experience. I was lucky. My mentors were great. I went to all the big cardiology conferences. I read the best books and I learned from the great masters. Early on, I was taught the fairly well established relationship between blood cholesterol and coronary heart disease. … Read more