Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Is Not Detected by Measuring Cholesterol

Elevated blood cholesterol is a common reason why people see their doctor. Most of us have been told that high cholesterol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and we are usually urged to lower it by any means available. But, the problem is that high cholesterol is often harmless, and heart disease can occur in the absence of … Read more

Can Further Lowering of Blood Cholesterol Save Lives?

For many years, lowering blood levels of low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) has been a key target for individuals with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and healthy people at increased risk for developing such disease. Statin drugs play a key role for risk reduction and are prescribed to millions of people worldwide. Apart from lowering blood cholesterol, … Read more

Will the Popularity of LCHF Trigger a New Epidemic of Heart Disease?

Diets low in carbohydrate and high in fat (LCHF) have become increasingly popular lately. Many experts in the field of epidemiology and cardiovascular disease have expressed grave concern and warned that this change in dietary pattern may increase the risk of heart disease. Some have argued that LCHF poses a threat to public health in … Read more

Is the Whole Grain Science a Load of Crap?

Today, whole grains are under fire. Grain-based foods are the new demons. The so-called “experts” tell us to consume them, but what do they know? Talk about guidelines, official recommendations, and widely held mainstream dietary belief. It’s all a big lie, isn’t it? Well, it is, if you believe some of the books that have been … Read more

The Role of hs-CRP in Heart Disease


Blood measurements of hs-CRP are often performed to assess the risk of future heart disease.  It has also been suggested that  hs-CRP can be used to target therapy and tailor risk modification in order to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD). Therefore it is important to understand when and why these measurements should be done, and how they should be interpreted. It has been known for … Read more